IDR - IIT Kharagpur

Studies on the Systematics, Morphology, Variation and Evaluation of Foraminifera with a Section on the Environment of Deposition of the Lower Tertiary Rocks on Meghalaya Based on the Paleoecology of Foraminifers and Algae and Carbonate Petrology

Studies on the Systematics, Morphology, Variation and Evaluation of Foraminifera with a Section on the Environment of Deposition of the Lower Tertiary Rocks on Meghalaya Based on the Paleoecology of Foraminifers and Algae and Carbonate Petrology


Author: Benoy Kumar Ghosh
Supervisor: Prof. T C Bagchi
Department of Geology and Geophysics
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India
January, 1975

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